Top Safety Tips for festival goers

Is it up to women to keep themselves safer at festivals? Answer: No. We have touched on this subject not too long ago but with festival season in full swing and Founder Emma recently writing an article for Daily London News we felt it necessary to talk about again. 


We have seen a grand total of 1,985,563 violent and sexual offences being committed across the UK in 2021. Personal safety is still not being taken seriously enough by many organisers of festivals/events. As avid festival goers the WalkSafe team understand the importance of getting this right, and the damage it can do when it goes wrong.


We know that no matter what the victim is doing, wearing, or drinking its never their fault however we hope the tips Emma has laid out in the article (see link above) may be of some use should you be attending one this year and not feel safe at any point.


(May 2022)