Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a topic that covers various forms of violence, including physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse, perpetrated against women and girls solely based on their gender. It is a global issue that affects millions cutting across social, cultural, and economic boundaries. Due to its growing precedence, many safety apps have emerged in a bid to fight against VAWG in all forms. These apps empower their users and help them take control of their safety, offering a sense of security and peace of mind when navigating public spaces.
Walksafe stands out as a cutting-edge solution designed specifically to address the needs of women and other minority groups. Developed with a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by these groups, Walksafe integrates innovative features with user-friendly design offering a comprehensive safety solution for all. Among some of the intuitive features are some standouts, including;

Real-time Location Tracking:
Walksafe’s real-time location tracking capabilities allow users to share their live location with trusted contacts only such as friends, family or emergency services. This feature enhances personal safety by enabling quick response times in case of an emergency and provides peace of mind to users and their loved ones.
Emergency Alerts and Notifications:
Walksafe users can turn on emergency alerts and notifications in the event of a threatening situation. Users can activate an emergency alert from the app’s home screen which triggers an immediate notification to designated emergency contacts along with information on the user’s whereabouts.
Safe Route Planning:
The Walksafe Safety Map is our best feature to help plan your routes commuting, going home or even for a run by providing you with up-to-date crime reporting about nearby locations to help avoid them. This is a great feature for travelling through unknown areas in the UK. The app will analyse crime rates, lighting conditions, and crowd density to recommend the safest route to your destination.
Not only does the app contain an array of different features to help you create a bespoke personal safety plan, but is also intuitively designed to allow for quick access to resources. It incorporates an incredibly user-friendly interface prioritising simplicity and accessibility, including clear icons, descriptive labels, and streamlined menus that help guide users through the app’s features. The Home page includes an emergency “SOS” button which helps to link up to trusted friends to alert emergency services providing information on the user’s whereabouts should something happen. Walksafe also keeps users’ data private, only allowing access to certain information if the user so wishes to share that, even when alerting their close friends list. All user data is encrypted and stored securely within the app’s infrastructure, protecting the user from unauthorised access or breaches.
Getting started with Walksaf is quick and easy. Walksafe can be downloaded on from any app store on smartphones and once downloaded it is really simple to set up your profile and customise it to your preferences such as setting up your real-time location tracking and when you want Wlaksafe tracking to be turned on. Don’t hesitate to experiment with settings to customise the app to suit you.
Walksafe offers a comprehensive solution for women and minority groups as an option to enhance their personal safety in an ever-changing world. Individuals must recognise their agency in ensuring their own safety and well-being. While preventing VAWG can seem daunting, simple steps such as downloading Walksafe are simple and easy steps to changing how personal safety is viewed and managed by individuals.
Walksafe has taken one step further into preventing VAWG in people’s personal lives and also now offers a bespoke corporate service, Walksafe Pro, which has all the features of Wlaksafe but is designed for large scale companies and the introduction of our safety monitoring partner Lodge Service to help monitor employee safety and respond to incidents whilst commuting and at work!
Whether you’re looking to download Walksafe or talk to us about Walksafe Pro, Walksafe is at the forefront of tackling VAWG in all forms and you can start today by just downloading out app. Start the personal safety revolution today!