
As a woman, it is a fact of life that you are constantly aware of the potential risks that come with walking alone, especially at night. Women face heightened safety concerns during nocturnal hours ranging from street harassment to more serious threats and assault. Ensuring women’s safety during these moments is not a matter of...
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Hate crimes are unfortunately on the rise and are a distressing reality in many communities. These acts of hostility and violence are motivated by prejudice and ignorance against particular groups based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. Hate crimes can have a significant psychological and emotional effect on...
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Workplace violence against women encompasses various forms that disproportionately affect women in the workplace across the board. Addressing VAWG in the workplace is a moral and legal imperative businesses need to tackle head-on on as companies have a legal responsibility to prevent instances of workplace violence. To address VAWG in the workplace, Walksafe created Walksafe...
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Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a topic that covers various forms of violence, including physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse, perpetrated against women and girls solely based on their gender. It is a global issue that affects millions cutting across social, cultural, and economic boundaries. Due to its growing precedence, many safety apps...
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News outlets and media pages seem to report more VAWG incidents than ever. In this rising epidemic, education is the most crucial tool in combating attitudes and behaviours related to VAWG. Starting early discussions on VAWG topics lays the foundations for equipping our kids with more knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of this...
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